Admin Guide - OCC Users Tab


On the top left, click on the USERS tab:

This display a list of current licensed users and their Orion info:

  1. Name:  This is the actual display name that shows when in the  Orion app
  2. Username:  Either the email address or username that is used to log into the app
  3. Role: 'Member’ accesses Orion via mobile app only / ‘Manager’ accesses Orion Dispatch Console on chrome or uses mobile app / ‘Admin’ has full access to Command Center, Dispatch and App
  4. Joined:  The date that the user was added to Orion


There are 2 types of Logins that can be created:

  • Email -  User that is added by email address. They can create and reset their own password (NOTE: Admin users must have an email login)
  • Username - User that is added without an email address - typically using specific words/numbers, such as ‘companyname01’, ‘companyname02’.  With this option, the admin sets and resets the password for the end user 

Creating a new user using the following steps:

  • Click on the green ‘Add New User’ button and a window will appear

  • For email accounts, fill in the email address in the top box and click ‘Create User Account’
  • OR for username account, put the unique Username, Full Name (display name), and Password in each of the 3 boxes and then click “Create User Account”

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